Client Testimonials 


We've helped over 600 busy professional women lose weight, master their mindset and relationship with food, and create a lifestyle that they can put on autopilot for long-term success.

Here's what some of them have done with our help.

5kgs down in 90 days after trying every diet under the sun and exercising consistently with no results for more than 6 years! 


7.6kgs loss in 7 weeks and just before her wedding


16kgs in 6 months while travelling for work 50% of the time

20.4lbs loss in 12 weeks and hubby lost 10lbs too! 


10kg loss and dropping a size every time she shopped! 

Back to pre-pregnancy weight without trying

Effortless weight loss

5.1kgs in 7 weeks WITHOUT the hunger

6kgs loss on a busy schedule

8.1kgs loss in 15 weeks

Getting results eating her favourite foods

Best shape of her life. She quit the gym. She stopped binge eating.

Does it work


Meet my client Natasha

Natasha and I worked together in late 2022. 

Natasha joined LBSM because she felt that weight loss wasn't possible for her without feeling miserable and restricted.

Natasha not only got in the best shape of her life but she's managed to continue her success post LBSM with a healthy mindset and relationship with food.

Meet my client Emily

Emily was already health-conscious and followed a healthy diet but she was stuck with weight loss not knowing what to do to start getting results. 

Emily lost 9kgs in 9 months AFTER her pregnancy WITHOUT restrictions, tracking calories, or working out like crazy! She feels in control with her food and habits and she's been able to maintain her results with EASE for years now! 

Lisa went from following shake diets for years to creating a lifestyle that feels good to her, eating real food, and losing 7.5 kgs in just 2 months!

ONE week in

FOUR weeks in

SIX weeks in

EIGHT weeks in

Deanna lost 7kgs (15lbs) in just 3 months inside my program...


“I've completed so many diets in my time. Most of them, if not all, did not work for me. In the short term, there were some results. But long term, everything failed. I have lived this program. It has proven to be successful. I feel very accomplished. I'm almost seven kilos down [since the start of the program]. It's outstanding. I feel really good. My clothes fit better. My mindset is so much more positive, not only with my food and health but with other areas of my life as well.”


She put her healthy habits on autopilot and kept smashing her goals after her program. Deanna lost a total of 15kgs and has gone from a size 12 to a size 8 in just 6 months!


The best part? she's been able to maintain that since 2021 without actively trying! 

Jen worked in the fitness space for almost 20 years, everything stopped in terms of metabolism when she hit her 50s. NOTHING WORKED to lose the weight gain or the bloat - until LBSM. 


Watch our interview HERE 👇🏻


Hear from my clients...



"Over recent years, I have not been getting the results I wanted. So I started the program in early January and my initial goal was to lose some weight. I lost 7kg in 12 weeks, which I'm super proud of. I'm moving more, I'm sleeping better, I'm caring for myself more than what I used to do, so it became not just about weight loss but more about a holistic focus on the lifestyle that I want to live and show for my kids." - Adele


"I gained 25kgs through emotional eating. I was desperate to lose weight and went from exercising 5 days a week, 2 hrs each day with NO RESULTS... to losing weight by eating all foods, never feeling hungry, and just walking, using Ange's strategies. People are commenting on my weight loss. My clothes fit better; I feel great, I threw away the scales" - Fatma


"Prior to Ang, I've tried pretty much everything to lose weight. With her, I have slimmed some centimeters and lost a couple of kilos. I've been able to maintain weight, get my energy up there, and eat better for my health. I've learned about healthy habits and emotional eating. I've learned about what my triggers were and how to tune into my body." - Fiona


“I recently just finished my program with Ange, which has absolutely changed my life for the better. Prior meeting Ange, I’ve done almost every single diet (…) then I discovered Ange and thought if this is something that is eating in a way that I should be consistently, then this is worthwhile giving a try. I found working with her amazing. I found it hard to believe that was I was eating was going to result in any type of weight loss, but it did… every week.” - Kristy


"Everything just clicked... I could feel like I lost weight in my clothes, in my face... I'm sleeping better. I have more energy. People are noticing...
...I finished the program two months ago and I'm proud to say that I just feel so comfortable... Like Angela gave me all the tools to eat well and enjoy food and not feel guilty..." -

Meltem lost 11kgs (25lbs) in just 12 weeks inside my program...


"I joined LBSM because I hated looking at myself in the mirror and getting really disappointed with myself for letting go and getting to this weight. I avoided getting my photos taken (my insta profile photo was from 2015!). I tried to get out of social events because I thought nothing I wear will look nice on me. Going clothes shopping was stressful and depressing. I've lost 11kgs (25lbs) inside LBSM and I can finally feel like I can maintain this lifestyle, unlike what I experienced with previous diets. If someone told me at the start of September where I would be in 3 months time I wouldn't believe them. I'm glad I went ahead and signed up at the time"


She completely transformed her lifestyle and mindset for permanent results... 

The key for consistency? To enjoy your food👇🏼


7kgs loss eating delicious meals


1.2kg loss in 5 days eating tasty food


3.2kgs down in 6 weeks WITHOUT restrictions 

3.2kg loss in 2 weeks eating more than ever before

Losing weight not tracking calories or following a meal plan

6kgs loss eating carbs 

Getting in shape feeling full and happy

Delicious meals make consistency a breeze

No hunger. No tracking. No restrictions.

Meals are so good that the hubby is jumping on board.

Eating meals you're actually excited about! 

Losing weight eating chips and fun foods! 

Food is so good the whole fam is on board. 

Nu, an experienced doctor who entered LBSM as she was struggling with her own weight loss journey, lost 5kgs (11lbs) in 12 weeks and has created a lifestyle that's easy and realistic for her busy and professional lifestyle...

Living your life while getting results👇🏼


9kgs down during the festivities

Losing weight with social events

Maintained her weight loss after a WHOLE month in Europe, attending festivals and living her best life


Effortless weight loss maintenance living off pasta for two weeks in Italy


Family getaways and getting results

Getting in shape while on holidays

Feeling in control over Christmas

Travelling for work and getting results

Maintained her weight loss during a 2-week trip in NZ

Maintained her weight loss during a 4 week trip in Europe

After struggling to conceive for a year and 3 months and trying every single diet on earth to lose weight, Leah joined LBSM, got leaner, built a healthier mindset and relationship with food, and got pregnant with a baby girl in just 8 weeks!




Iria went from undereating and starving all day and bingeing at night to building a healthy relationship with food inside LBSM, losing 8kgs in just 10 weeks, and building habits she can stick to easily.



Latchmi was apprehensive to join LBSM because she didn't want to restrict the cultural foods she loves! 6 weeks forward, after joining LBSM, she's 3.2kgs down eating the foods she loves and her mindset has completely transformed.




Kerry lost 7kgs (15lbs) easily in just 12 weeks. She did it enjoying her favourite foods and without having to do a tonne of exercise!



"The program made my life easier, not harder.  I’ve been able to consistently prepare satisfying and healthy meals and I really enjoy the simple and straightforward approach to food" -  Jennifer

Real Women. Real Results.


"I've tried all sorts of diets... shake diets, low-carb, intermittent fasting and more. You name it, I've tried it.

I was a bit hesitant to start Angela's program because I didn't know if it was going to work but I'm here to tell you that it's changed my life. I believe it's truly a life-changing experience" - Grace


“I’ve been working with Angie for three months and I’ve lost 7kg (15lbs) during that time. Now I go to work with so much energy, energy I didn't know I had before. I've learned how to make a McDonald's meal at home with 500 less calories. My snacks are popcorn sometimes. I never thought I'd be able to put so many yummy things into my diet, so thanks Ang!” - Alison


"In the past I'd always struggle with weight loss. I've tried multiple diets. All these diets gave results in a quick turnaround time, but I could never maintain it. I'm a social butterfly. I go out. I dance. I drink with my friends, not a lot but often on social occasions. Angela grabbed all of this information and then decided to plan something out that was gonna work for me. I didn't feel restricted or that I couldn't go out with my friends. I really feel it's given me the opportunity to feel control over my own journey. I don't binge-eat anymore, I've worked through my emotions."- Maritza


“I decided to join Angela’s 8-week program because I came to a point where I was going in circles and nothing was changing and I wanted to make a change that was not going to last me only for a few months but it was something I could do realistically for the rest of my life, and that is exactly what this program provided for me. The videos and the material were mind-blowing because they answered all those unanswered questions that I had for many many years, so I’m very glad that I did it” - Ashlee


"The reason why I wanted to work with Ang is because of her "all foods fit" mentality. I just wanted something that was easy to incorporate into my daily life (...). It was a continuous stream of support with Ange. I healed my relationship with food." - Steph


"I work in HR and my work is very desk-oriented. I spend a lot of time on a computer. I realised that my lifestyle isn't going to change. I like my work. So, if my lifestyle wasn't going to change, then I had to change how I do things.  

The most transformational thing from working with Ange was discovering what works for me and understanding my relationship with food and my body. I've seen some great results from working with Ange but the biggest thing has been the shift in my point of view when it comes to my own health and well-being" - Monique

Long-term results. Never diet again👇🏼


12kgs lost since LBSM and she's maintaining it easily

Losing weight on autopilot after LBSM

Ended the binge eating cycle for good since LBSM


Continuing the LBSM habits without trying 


Feeling confident WITHOUT dieting overwhelm after LBSM

Effortless weight loss maintenance even after quitting F45

She spent 30 years yo-to dieting and she's now maintaining her weight loss (8kgs) easily in her 50s

Losing more weight eating the LBSM meals, walking and sleeping more

She finally ended the yo-yo dieting cycle post LBSM

Meet Vedette

"Well over 2yrs ago I had health problems and I blacked out at work in front of my students and colleagues. My Dr’s told me to lose weight, change my life and eating habits, so this is how I started working with Ange.

I’ve never had this amount of energy and motivation in my life. Ange has taught me to take each day as it comes, don’t worry about it just get back to it, move more, drink water, and have variety with making better choices in what you place in your gut.
I believe in all her values and nutrition advice I am a testimony to that. I owe my life to this beautiful lady. I have lost 70kg and you can too. This is my new life and I love living in it with my family and friends" - Vedette McKenna @big_mumma1

Meet my client Christina

"I lost 6 kgs in 12 weeks, with no exercise, and still able to eat with friends and family without feeling like I was missing out.

I had some life challenges but I kept consistent and with Angela’s support, I got results. Now, I feel empowered and want to continue and get more results.
Ange is more than a nutritionist, she is like a life coach on all food matters. She makes it seem easy by keeping it simple, she also does the same thing she tells you to do it. So you feel completely supported throughout the process. Plus you get results. I am so glad I went on this journey and I learned so much."

Meet my client Alison

“I’ve been working with Angie for three months and I’ve lost 7kg (15lbs) during that time. Now I go to work with so much energy, energy I didn't know I had before. I've learned how to make a McDonald's meal at home with 500 less calories. My snacks are popcorn sometimes. I never thought I'd be able to put so many yummy things into my diet, so thanks Ang!” - Alison

Tina lost 18kgs (40lbs) in 6 months 👇🏼

Sofi los 4kgs (9lbs) in 8 weeks 👇🏼

This is what my client Sumaya has to say 👇🏼

Complete mindset transformation👇🏼


Ended the self-sabotaging cycle

Ended the "dieting" mentality

Healing her relationship with food


Believing permanent weight is possible for her 


The missing link in her journey

Understanding her triggers

Feeling in control and learning to manage her emotions

Mindset shift that leads to consistency

Knowing that she's capable of achieving her goal

Need more proof to bet on yourself? 👇🏻