The Healthy Diary Podcast

APRIL 15, 2024

Podcast Shownotes


I have what I would call a very healthy relationship with food, but I didn’t always. In fact, I struggled with my weight from a very young age and tried every diet under the sun in an attempt to lose weight and feel good in my body. If it’s a diet that exists, I’ve probably tried it!

Yes, some of these diets helped me lose weight, but I wasn’t healthy or happy and it wasn’t sustainable. I only started experiencing the weight loss results and happiness I wanted when my relationship with food changed. Today I’m sharing my story in the hopes of encouraging you that this is possible for you as well. If I can do it, you can too.

From the age of 5 years old, I was a professional dancer and danced for up to 5 hours every single day. I ate whatever I wanted, and a lot of it too, and weight gain wasn’t in my vocabulary. But at 13, I stopped dancing and the weight quickly began to pile on. Desperate to lose the extra weight, I tried anything and everything, from extreme tea detoxes to carb blockers, with little success.

Then I signed up for a macro calorie counting program and I lost a lot of weight. I was the thinnest I’d ever been, but I was miserable. I was obsessed with food and exercise, I lost my period, my hair was falling out. I wasn’t healthy by any means and I certainly didn’t have a healthy relationship with food. It got to the point where I started binge eating and realised that something needed to change.

This is when I started learning about nutrition and mindset. I shifted my focus from calorie counting to listening to my body's hunger and fullness cues. I stopped restricting myself, learned to enjoy all foods in moderation, and prioritised movement that brought me joy instead of putting my body under a huge amount of stress.

Meal prepping also became a game-changer for me. I used to spend hours on Sundays but now I dedicate a small amount of time each week to prepare nutritious meals. By doing this, I eliminated decision fatigue and reduced food preoccupation, freeing up my mental space for other aspects of my life.

Through my own transformation and the success stories of my clients, I've come to realise that effortless weight loss maintenance is achievable with the right approach. I've witnessed firsthand the power of mindset, balanced nutrition, and enjoying life without obsessing over food or exercise. I hope this episode inspires you to rethink your own relationship with food and dieting and start your journey toward a healthier, happier life.

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I'm Angela

Your nutrition bestie, your personal cheer squad and your coach ready to help you ditch the dieting cycle and feel amazing in your skin WITHOUT restrictions, tracking or compromising your tight agenda. 


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