Lose 3-10kgs (6-20lbs) in 90 days… without restrictive diets, spending hours in the kitchen/gym, and no tracking overwhelm


Lose 3-10kgs (6-20lbs) in 90 days… without restrictive diets, spending hours in the kitchen/gym, and no tracking overwhelm



  • You could lose 3-10kgs in the next 3 months while eating your favourite foods and feeling in control.
  • You could put your healthy habits on autopilot, so you don't have to worry about losing weight or dieting ever again.
  • You had the tools to meal plan, grocery shop, and create daily habits to easily live a healthy sustainable lifestyle.
  • You could get leaner, feel confident, and wear whatever the hell you want and feel amazing.
  • You could go to ANY event, holiday, friends and family-gathering feeling your most confident self.
  • You could only spend as little as 30 minutes a week getting yourself sorted.
  • You had a step-by-step framework with a proven path to success.
  • You had access to coaching anytime you felt stuck or overwhelmed in your journey



A 90-day, step-by-step coaching program that helps you get leaner, feel confident and build a lifestyle you can maintain easily for permanent results. Inside, you’ll learn everything you need to know: nutrition for fat loss, supporting your metabolism, mastering your mindset, building a healthy relationship with food, building habits and putting them on autopilot, overcoming a plateau, and much more.

We focus on three pillars for permanent weight loss.


Learn the ins and outs of optimal nutrition for fat loss. Access step-by-step strategies proven by science.

No BS advice. No restrictions. No unnecessary supplements and superfoods. 


You can't make a positive change in your life without the right mindset. Master your own mindset blocks that are keeping you stuck. You'll learn how to overcome self-sabotage, emotional eating, the "all or nothing" mindset and more.


Build healthy habits and put them on autopilot, so you don't have to worry about losing weight ever again.

Learn how to deal with real life situations like going out with friends, celebrations, weight loss plateau, and more.



To obtain permanent results, the “eat less, move more” approach is not enough. You need a whole framework that supports your fat loss journey, and a mindset and lifestyle change. Here is how I provide you that inside LBSM.

>> Proven Process – Feeling stuck not knowing what to do or wondering if you are doing the right thing for weight loss? Just follow my 9-module step-by-step proven fat loss process that is tested and proven to work with 100s of clients worldwide. Be committed to yourself, ask questions, and watch the results come.
>> Weekly Coaching - Gain personalised coaching on our weekly group coaching calls, where you can ask any questions live. There is no issue we can’t resolve together. I’ve got your back!
>> Accountability - When you join, you’ll get immediate access to our weekly coaching calls and private community, where you can ask questions and get answers daily, so you don’t have to feel alone.
>> Unlimited Support - In-between coaching calls, you’ll have access to our private community, so you can ask questions at any time. 
>> Support Community - It's hard to change your health when you're surrounded by people who don’t value it. Our community is filled with women on the same path as you so that your lifestyle isn’t judged, but celebrated.
>> Mindset Rewiring – This is not another weight loss program. I’ve engineered a process for creating lasting change. The biggest challenge when it comes to weight loss is your own mindset. Inside LBSM, you'll get access to my complete Mindset Framework with my step-by-step strategy to overcome challenges like emotional eating, self-sabotage, lack of consistency, lack of motivation, and much more! You'll be able to control your mindset like never before.



You want to lose 3-10kgs in the next 3 months

You've tried several diets with no success and you're ready to ditch quick fixes for long-term results that will last you FOREVER.

You feel lost and don't know where to start or what to do to achieve your health goals and you need a simple and clear step-by-step guide to help you achieve your goals.

You feel like you can't stick to your goals and really need the accountability and help from a community with like-minded women.

You find yourself  “starting again" every Monday, which always ends in a binge when you can't stick to it.

✅ You avoid taking photos because you're always disappointed with how you look in them

You want to learn all the skills required to never need another weight loss program again.




✔️ You want to lose 3-10kgs in the next 3 months

✔️ You've tried several diets with no success and you're ready to ditch quick fixes for long-term results that will last you FOREVER

✔️ You feel lost and don't know where to start or what to do to achieve your health goals and you need a simple and clear step-by-step guide to help you achieve your goals

✔️ You feel like you can't stick to your goals and really need the accountability and help from a community with like-minded women

✔️You avoid taking photos because you're always disappointed with how you look in them

✔️ You find yourself  “starting again" every Monday, which always ends in a binge when you can't stick to it

✔️ You want to learn all the skills required to never need another weight loss program again



Nutrition 101

You'll learn how to nourish your body appropriately, so you can feel your best self inside and out. No more eating less... you'll learn how to eat right while getting in the best shape of your life! 

Fat loss

Eating healthy and eating healthy for fat loss are two different things. You'll learn your unique energy requirements and how to make fat loss work for you without tracking calories, macros or points.

All Foods Fit

You'll gain the skills to incorporate ALL foods into your diet in a healthier way while losing body fat, so you never feel restricted and binge on foods you weren't "allowed" to have. 


Everything we do inside LBSM supports your metabolism. You'll be eating and moving to put your metabolism on fire!


Learn why you self-sabotage and how to overcome this with a proven framework, so you moving forward and can maintain your weight loss successfully. 

Emotional Eating

You'll be in charge and feel in control of your eating. You'll learn how to overcome boredom and stress eating, so these don't sabotage your progress.

All-or-Nothing Mindset

Get yourself out of the "starting again on Monday" mindset that's only making you feel miserable week after week. You'll learn the strategies to keep moving forward even if things don't go as planned.


You'll learn how to train your consistency muscle and be able to show up for yourself even when you don't feel like it. 

Weight Loss Plateu

A weight loss plateau is almost inevitable. It happens to everyone on a fat loss journey. You'll understand WHY it happens and know exactly what to do to get yourself out of it to keep seeing progress. 


During the program, you'll build a solid foundation with healthy habits ON AUTOPILOT, so you can sustain (or keep going!) with your fat loss journey. You won't have to worry about losing weight or dieting ever again because you'll behave like the person who maintains her weight loss on autopilot. 

Real-Life Situations

Weight loss is easy when you stop "living your life" for it but how long can you maintain that for? Inside LBSM, you'll learn how to incorporate fat loss within your lifestyle. Want to eat out, have a glass of wine with your partner or going away for the weekend? You'll learn the skills to manage these situations while smashing your goals!  

Sustainable Lifestyle 

Identify the “low-hanging fruit” and making small adjustments to your current lifestyle to start seeing results. You'll learn how to incorporate fat loss within your lifestyle, so you don't feel overwhelm with drastic changes and restrictions.


  • Finally be able to lose weight on your own terms, be leaner and more confident without tracking calories/macros points.

  • Optimise your metabolism, increase your energy levels, improve your digestion, sleep, and sugar cravings! My clients start seeing improvements from Week 1! 
  • Feel in control around food, no more emotional, stress or boredom eating.

  • Stop worrying about "falling off the bandwagon" again because you've absorbed new habits into your life.

  •  Know exactly what you need to do to get in the best shape of your life, without giving up your favourite foods.

  • Achieve permanent results with no more yo-yo dieting. 







"Maybe it's not the right time" "I'm not ready"...

 If you’re not IN LOVE with your life, then why stay trapped in it any longer than you have to?

How much longer are you willing to spend waiting for your life to begin? Most of us spend our youth waiting for our lives to begin; we get old waiting for our lives to begin; we die waiting for our lives to begin.

If you’re just “putting this off,” then you’re squandering the only thing in life you can’t get back: time.

But don’t take my word for it, here’s what  my client is saying:

"I don't have time to commit to this right now" "I'm too busy"...

Isn’t this the very reason you NEED to be participating in this program? So you can get your life back and get off the merry-go-round of dieting and enjoy it to the fullest? How much time and money have you wasted on fat burners and gym memberships that never produced permanent results?

Stop wasting time reading about weight loss (it might feel like you’re being productive, but where are your results?) and put your effort into a program that's proven to work.

It’s amazing how much free time when you have when you have a clear plan of action you can execute anywhere, anytime.

"Will this work for me?"

The question is, are you ready to put in the work? I've coached 100+ women inside this very program and have seen it all. I am a sought-after weight loss expert and Certified Nutritionist that knows exactly how to get you where you want to be. This isn't a fad diet or quick fix, it's actually getting to the root of your weight loss struggles. I'm coaching you week after week helping you change your habits and develop a strong mindset.

LBSM works. Look at the progress pictures and testimonials of clients below. But you have to be ready to put in the work.





This is what my client Tina has to say 👇🏼

This is what my client Sofi has to say 👇🏼

This is what my client Sumaya has to say 👇🏼